Saturday, January 26, 2013

Pizza, pizza, pizza overload!

One of Nepot's favorite snacks!  It can be heavy kaya pwede na ring lunch. It only has to be healthy. My pizza is always made overloaded! Overloaded with healthy ingredients from fresh tomato sauce up to the cheese toppings. What's better is that I make the crust myself, because we want it thick and fresh. Sabi ni Nepot, he wants it that way kase nakakabusog and yummy talaga.

I pre-baked the crust for few minutes before laying the toppings.

My crust is made from all purpose flour, sugar, salt, yeast and olive oil.
Prick the crust with fork before baking. The toppings vary.   From beef balls or ground beef and beef tapa (dried beef) to pineapples and bell pepper, you can have the best pizza of your choice!
Pizza crust topped with different toppings
I used three kinds of cheese combined:  cheddar cheese, Australian cheese which i purchased from baking materials supplier and of course mozzarella cheese which makes the gummy, sticky effect. :D

Here the pizza is being baked in a pizza pan cooker which my nepot brought home from the middle east 
My pizza, beef and ham overload!
This one  has thicker crust, with dried beef (beef tapa) and more overload ready for the oven


ready  to be sliced

Pick your choice sweetie! Love them all!
 I made these for my birthday, wherein I had my guests dig in and enjoy my pizza. I actually baked 15 pizzas that day. But still Nepot had much of it. He really loves it... with hot sauce. Yummy!!! Great and Filling! (Burp...)

Trivia: Crusts vary based on the kind of flour used. Whole wheat  flour can be made but it can be too heavy. 

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